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History of 'Chemistry and Pharmacology of Moringa Oleifera LAM and M. Concanensis Nimo'

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Chemistry and Pharmacology of Moringa Oleifera LAM and M. Concanensis Nimo

Author(s): Jadhav S.L., Sharma S.R., Pal S.C., Kasture S.B., and Kasture V.S
Published in: Indian Drugs .   Mar 1, 2000
37 3 139-144

Moringa Oleifera Lam is indigenous to the sub-Himalayan region and cultivated in India and Burma. A second species of Moringa is M. Concanensis. This abstract focuses on the first species, Moringa Oleifera.
All parts of the plant are used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. This article is an attempt to examine the chemical and pharmacological usefulness of the plant for various medicinal treatments. Roots are utilized to treat fever, epilepsy, and chronic rheumatism. They are also used for diuretics, cardiac problems, scurvy, and as an anti-inflammatory agent. Bark is employed as a cardiac stimulant and antifungal agent, and leaves to treat inflammation, helminthesis and scurvy. Seeds are seen as purgative and anti-inflammatory agents, with flowers used as diuretics and as a cholagogue to promote the flow of bile.
Areas of research in this article involve the practicality of various parts of Moringa Oleifera as treatments for cancers, infertility, inflammation, ulcers, and cardiovascular problems. Researchers also investigated its use as an antimicrobial agent.
Conclusions: Moringa Oleifera appears to possess multiple pharmacological possibilities in the conditions listed above. Further clinical evaluation in Western medicine is warranted to determine its therapeutic potential.

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