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History of 'Moringa oleifera: A Review of the Medical Evidence for Its Nutritional, Therapeutic, and Prophylactic Properties. Part 1. (2005)'

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Author(s): Fahey J
Published in: Trees for Life Journal.   Dec 1, 2005
1 5

In the last 20 years, there have been numerous reports in mainstream scientific journals and popular literature describing Moringa oleifera’s nutritional, therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Some of these findings are anecdotal, while others arrive via the routes of indigenous tribal medicine and non-peer reviewed sources. In order to determine the integrity of these claims, the author, a dedicated Moringa researcher, has initiated and called for a thorough scientific investigation. In this way the much needed, cost effective and validated nutritional/phytochemical information may be made accessible to the researcher, field worker and lay communities.

This article is the first of a series of four planned papers on this topic. Citations of moringa’s health effects are summarized at the end of the article in a tabular format and the strength of evidence discussed in very general terms. Based on literature survey, 169 collated references are categorized by the disease treated and/or the major health effects that are prevented; for e.g. asthma treatment, cancer therapy / protection, circulatory/endocrine disorders, etc. Each reference is also correlated with the associated moringa plant part that effects these benefits.

This is the current summary

Author(s): Fahey J
Published in: Trees for Life Journal.   Dec 1, 2005
1 5

In the last 20 years, there have been numerous reports in mainstream scientific journals and popular literature describing Moringa oleifera’s nutritional, therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Some of these findings are anecdotal, while others arrive via the routes of indigenous tribal medicine and non-peer reviewed sources. In order to determine the integrity of these claims, the author, a dedicated Moringa researcher, has initiated and called for a thorough scientific investigation. In this way the much needed, cost effective and validated nutritional/phytochemical information may be made accessible to the research, field worker and lay communities.

This article is the first of a series of four planned papers on this topic. Citations of moringa’s health effects are summarized at the end of the article in a tabular format and the strength of evidence discussed in very general terms. Based on literature survey, 169 collated references are categorized by the disease treated and/or the major health effects that is prevented for e.g. asthma treatment, cancer therapy / protection, circulatory/endocrine disorders, etc. Each reference is also correlated with the associated moringa plant part that effects these benefits.

Set to this revision Revision: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:07:10 +0000

Author(s): Fahey J
Published in: Trees for Life Journal.   Dec 1, 2005
1 5

In the last 20 years, there have been numerous reports in mainstream scientific journals and popular literature describing Moringa oleifera’s nutritional, therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Some of these findings are anecdotal, while others arrive via the routes of indigenous tribal medicine and non-peer reviewed sources. In order to determine the integrity of these claims, the author, a dedicated Moringa researcher, has initiated and called for a thorough scientific investigation. In this way the much needed, cost effective and validated nutritional/phytochemical information may be made accessible to the research, field worker and lay communities.

This article is the first of a series of four planned papers on this topic. Citations of moringa’s health effects are summarized at the end of the article in a tabular format and the strength of evidence discussed in very general terms. Based on literature survey, 169 collated references are categorized by the disease treated and/or the major health effects that is prevented for e.g. asthma treatment, cancer therapy / protection, circulatory/endocrine disorders, etc. Each reference is also correlated with the associated moringa plant part that effects these benefits.

Set to this revision Revision: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 02:56:08 +0000

Author(s): Fahey J
Published in: Trees for Life Journal.   Dec 1, 2005

In the last 20 years, there have been numerous reports in mainstream scientific journals and popular literature describing Moringa oleifera’s nutritional, therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Some of these findings are anecdotal while others arrive via the routes of indigenous tribal medicine, and non-peer reviewed sources. In order to determine the integrity of these claims, the author, a dedicated Moringa researcher, has initiated and called for a thorough scientific investigation. In this way the much needed, cost effective and validated nutritional/ phytochemical information may be made accessible to the research, field worker and the lay communities.

This article is the first of a series of four planned papers on this topic. Citations of moringa’s health effects are summarized at the end of the article in a tabular format and the strength of evidence discussed in very general terms. Based on literature survey, 169 collated references are categorized by the disease treated and/or the major health effects that is prevented for e.g. asthma treatment, cancer therapy / protection, circulatory/endocrine disorders, etc. Each reference is also correlated with the associated moringa plant part that effects these benefits.

This is the current summary

Author(s): Fahey J
Published in: Trees for Life Journal.   Dec 2, 2005

In the last 20 years, there have been numerous reports in mainstream scientific journals and popular literature describing Moringa oleifera’s nutritional, therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Some of these findings are anecdotal while others arrive via the routes of indigenous tribal medicine, and non-peer reviewed sources. In order to determine the integrity of these claims, the author, a dedicated Moringa researcher, has initiated and called for a thorough scientific investigation. In this way the much needed, cost effective and validated nutritional/ phytochemical information may be made accessible to the research, field worker and the lay communities.

This article is the first of a series of four planned papers on this topic. Citations of moringa’s health effects are summarized at the end of the article in a tabular format and the strength of evidence discussed in very general terms. Based on literature survey, 169 collated references are categorized by the disease treated and/or the major health effects that is prevented for e.g. asthma treatment, cancer therapy / protection, circulatory/endocrine disorders, etc. Each reference is also correlated with the associated moringa plant part that effects these benefits.

This is the current summary

Author(s): Fahey J
Published in: Trees for Life Journal.   Dec 1, 2005

In the last 20 years, there have been numerous reports in mainstream scientific journals and popular literature describing Moringa oleifera’s nutritional, therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Some of these findings are anecdotal while others arrive via the routes of indigenous tribal medicine, and non-peer reviewed sources. In order to determine the integrity of these claims, the author, a dedicated Moringa researcher, has initiated and called for a thorough scientific investigation. In this way the much needed, cost effective and validated nutritional/ phytochemical information may be made accessible to the research, field worker and the lay communities.

This article is the first of a series of four planned papers on this topic. Citations of moringa’s health effects are summarized at the end of the article in a tabular format and the strength of evidence discussed in very general terms. Based on literature survey, 169 collated references are categorized by the disease treated and/or the major health effects that is prevented for e.g. asthma treatment, cancer therapy / protection, circulatory/endocrine disorders, etc. Each reference is also correlated with the associated moringa plant part that effects these benefits.

This is the current summary

Author(s): Fahey J
Published in: Trees for Life Journal.   Dec 1, 2005
1 5

In the last 20 years, there have been numerous reports in mainstream scientific journals and popular literature describing Moringa oleifera’s nutritional, therapeutic and prophylactic properties. Some of these findings are anecdotal, while others arrive via the routes of indigenous tribal medicine and non-peer reviewed sources. In order to determine the integrity of these claims, the author, a dedicated Moringa researcher, has initiated and called for a thorough scientific investigation. In this way the much needed, cost effective and validated nutritional/phytochemical information may be made accessible to the research, field worker and lay communities.

This article is the first of a series of four planned papers on this topic. Citations of moringa’s health effects are summarized at the end of the article in a tabular format and the strength of evidence discussed in very general terms. Based on literature survey, 169 collated references are categorized by the disease treated and/or the major health effects that is prevented for e.g. asthma treatment, cancer therapy / protection, circulatory/endocrine disorders, etc. Each reference is also correlated with the associated moringa plant part that effects these benefits.

This is the current summary

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