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History of 'Role of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Extract in the Regulation of Thyroid Hormone Status in Adult Male and Female Rats'

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Author(s): Pankaj, T. and A. Kar
Published in: Pharmacological Research.   Oct 29, 1999
41 3 319 319-323

The role of Moringa Oleifera aqueous leaf extract was studied in adult male and female rats to determine if it was effective in the treatment of thyroid hormone status of animals. The purpose was to see if Moringa extract could be used to regulate thyroid abnormalities in humans.
Leaf power of the Moringa Oleifera was administered to 14 male and 14 female rats. Both groups were divided into control and experimental groups. The Moringa extract was administered with a feeding needle for ten days.

The experiment was completed in two phases, the first on male and female rats and the second with females only. The second administration with females involved higher doses of Moringa Oleifera. Results demonstrate the extract more effective in females than in males.

Results, also, indicate an inhibitory effect of Moringa Oleifera leaf extract in T3 synthesis and/or release. Effects were sex-specific and dosage-specific and more effective in females. T3 is the major thyroid hormone responsible for most metabolic effects of an organism (calorigenesis, oxygen consumption, and maintenance of basal metabolic rate). In the thyroid, T4 is synthesized by the thyroid gland and directly secreted into the blood. T3 is mainly found in peripheral tissues, especially the liver.

Females are more responsive to Moringa Oleifera. This may be related to the fact that females are five times more susceptible to thyroid abnormalities compared to males. A final observation: Higher doses of Moringa Oleifera aqueous leaf abstract may not be safe. Thus, the lower dose may be more useful in the treatment of hyper thyr

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