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Author(s): Limcangco-Lopez, P. D. Devendra, C. (ed)
Published in: International Development Research Center.   May 18, 1989
45 ref No.276e pp.61-75

Livestock / poultry feed expenses are a continuing problem in developing countries. Leucaena Leucocephala, Manihot esculenta, Trema orientalis, Sesbania rostrata, Muros indica, Pisonia alba, leaf protein concentrate, and Moringa oleifera are discussed as possible feed resources. Some have positive results, including weight gain in animals, while others have some toxic or harmful properties such as failed conception or suppressed growth. Moringa fed in high quantities (7.5 and 10%) to one-week old chicks resulted in less growth, Moringa as 5% or less of their diet did not affect them negatively.

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Author(s): Limcangco-Lopez, P. D. Devendra, C. (ed)
Published in: Institute of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Univers.   May 18, 1989
45 ref No.276e pp.61-75

Livestock / poultry feed expenses are a continuing problem in developing countries. Leucaena Leucocephala, Manihot esculenta, Trema orientalis, Sesbania rostrata, Muros indica, Pisonia alba, leaf protein concentrate, and Moringa oleifera are discussed as possible feed resources. Some have positive results, including weight gain in animals, while others have some toxic or harmful properties such as failed conception or suppressed growth. Moringa fed in high quantities (7.5 and 10%) to one-week old chicks resulted in less growth, Moringa as 5% or less of their diet did not affect them negatively.

Set to this revision Revision: Fri, 19 May 2006 13:44:59 +0000

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